Green Saturday
Yesterday I spent most of the day outside playing with my "garden". The new fence STILL isn't up! I texted my landlord. He said the guy he chose to do it backed out because he found a bigger project or something. So he's going to get ANOTHER estimate and then ANOTHER date. We shall see.
When my landlord had the new rock wall put in, he had to move my pansies, Thai basil, and lettuce into this giant pot. I was pissed until everything magically sprung up triple size.

The goings on of yesterdays projects.

Planted my roommate's tomato seedling he got from the farmer's market. It has grown so much in a month! I put layers of compost with the soil. Not too much compost, because it was straight out of the container we keep in the kitchen. It has its first blossom!
The planted tomato seedling and my babies! I think they are "retarded" or something. I think that's the actual term to use here. They were planted on Earth Day in April and they're still teeny tiny! So we decided to have them out in full sun during this glorious weekend.Impatient, with some plants that needed planting, I bought yet another flower box. Ugh. Here's parsley and basil my friend Chelsea gave to me because she realized it was cheaper to buy the plants at the grocery store, than buy the prepackaged herbs. BUT she lives in Denver so she had to get rid of them before she flew back. The vibrant basil plant is the seedling I bought at the farmer's market. It has grown into a beautiful plant! Also one of my bean plants I grew from seed.

So my roommate gave me a lot of shit about BUYING a flower box when we could just make one out of the falling down fence that is going to be replaced. He stole a few boards and decided he was going to make one. This took entirely too long, the wood was entirely too rotten, and in the end didn't think my purchase was that bad of an idea after all.
The end result. I had to line it with plastic bags so that the dirt didn't just cover my balcony in mud whenever I watered it. It's a charming addition to the balcony nonetheless. More bean plants I grew from seed.
Finally, my cilantro went "ape shit". I think that's the technical term for growing 3 feet in a week, right? I mowed that stuff down a couple weeks ago and it sprung up faster than zombies at a brain feast.

All in all it was a great day. Our other project was making something to hold compost. I bought a 25 gallon trash barrel, and my roommate used a blade to cut out air holes around it. We wanted to use a drill, but his battery died. Anyway, now we have compost! Finally a place to put pulled out weeds, dead leaves and general organic debris. I'm entirely too excited about it. After we finished up, I went for a 4 mile run. I was so happy I did it in exactly 32 minutes. 8 min pace, not too shabby! Especially since I haven't been running outside very much, the weather's been awful. This weekend is awesome and much needed.
Now I'm off to get ready and go to the Rev3 Triathlon in Middlebury, CT. I wanted to get there for the start but I was up way too late last night. Oh well, I figure it's a huge race, with a lot of pros, less than an hour away. Sure I'll mostly see what's going on on the screens they have set up but I want to go and see what it's all about. Good luck to Carol who's out there now! Her blog is the Triathlon Training Blog!
So you left a comment on my blog asking about where to run barefoot. Actually it depends on what you want to work on and whether you have access to a beach. For overall lower leg strength, sand is king. Sort of like stability ball training for the feet. Grass isn't bad either so, if you don't have access to some clean sand go for grass. Football or soccer fields work best as they are usually clear of debris. If none of these is available to you a local high school track should do the trick.
If you were so inclined you could also look into some shoes called Vibram Five Fingers. Here's a link:
They could open up were you decided to go "barefoot" and help build up the lower leg strength without having to worry about stepping on something. Hope that helps and sorry for the delay.
Train well.
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