Slow Build
Ever so slowly building up my runs. It's too bad I have a fear of slipping and falling to my doom on the ice, otherwise I would be running outside. Half an hour on the treadmill is about all I can stand before I'm bored to tears. I was pretty disappointed at first how "out of shape" I felt, but slowly I'm gaining speed and endurance.
Looking back into my workout log, I realized I've already made progress in the past week:
1/27: 20min + 2min cooldown ? miles
1/28: 30 + 2 cooldown 3.1 miles
1/30: 30 + 2 cooldown 3.23 miles
2/1: 30 + 2 cooldown 3.4 miles
I have also been pretty lazy with my workout log, just seeing the improvement over the past week has reignited my drive to write everything down.
Gave Kelly some kettlebell lessons. I wish kettlebells weren't so expensive! I want to buy a few pairs of 6 and 8kg bells so that I can practice with her. Not to mention doing kettlebell DVDs would probably be fun. I taught her how to do the "Russian Twist", after a few twists she exclaimed, "Can't we do Russian Roulette instead?" I was in hysterics, "Oh I'm totally blogging that!"Also, my focus mitts came in! It was a lot better doing drills with those rather than the heavy bags at L.A. Fitness. Finally she could get real power behind her punches without hurting her wrists. We pretty much took over the usually empty fitness classroom. I want to buy a "fitness wagon" so I can haul all my kickboxing and kettlebell gear into the room. I feel like I'm doomed to forever carry multiple bags and items with me wherever I go.
Logging workouts makes sense to me with respect to distance endurance, e.g. if you cannot run 5 miles, there is no sense in running a 5 mile race, but do you also log strength training?
I'm impressed with how far you've come since you first started running. You are an inspiration to me to keep me headed back to the gym, for more than one reason, but really, you kick some serious ass, and you look great. Keep it up :)
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